Solar power plant in Szolnok
General information
- Status: In operation
- Constructed and operated by VPP Solar Kft.
- Project type: Feed-in tariff (KÁT)
- Network operator: Opus Titász Zrt.
Installed capacity and technical data
- Number of projects: 6
- Total installed AC capacity: 2,988 kW
- Total installed DC capacity: 4,158 kW
- Construction area size: 6 ha
- Number of solar panels: 7,700
- Type of solar panels: Risen RSM110-8-545BMDG
- Tilt angle of solar panels: between ±60 degrees
- Number of inverters: 13 + 1
- Type of inverters: HUAWEI SUN2000 36KTL-M3, HUAWEI SUN2000 30KTL-M3
- Type of mounting system: Zimmermann PV-tracker
- Mounting structure: Tracker